Senin, 04 Juli 2016

The waves travel Bono Kampar River

Usually the waves or waves only occur on the beach or the sea as a result of changes in water currents and wind if it is large enough is being used to play surfing. So, if you see people surfing on the beach is a familiar thing. But seeing people surfing on the river flow is an extraordinary thing.

This activity is an activity berselencar with a surfboard on the waves, instead of rafting or canoe paddle. Surfing on the river only a few places in this world. These places have a current wave form large waves and long rivers.

Surf spot on the river in question, one of which is in Indonesia, in addition to several rivers in South America and China as well as Europe. It becomes a matter of pride. The exact location is at Muara (Kuala) Sungai Kampar - District of Kuala Kampar - Pelalawan - Riau Province - Indonesia. Waves of the river is called the wave or waves Bono BONO large enough. Smaller Bono is located in Muara Sungai Rokan - Rokan Hilir Riau Province - Indonesia.

BONO is the wave or waves that occur in Muara (Kuala) Sungai Kampar Riau Indonesia which is a natural phenomenon due to the current meeting of the river towards the sea and ocean currents into the river due to the tide. According to some surfers who have been surfing the waves waves Bono Bono said that this is the biggest river waves they had ever encountered.

River estuary where Bono occurs is called the population as KUALA KAMPAR Bono has waves that can reach a height of 6-10 meters depending on the circumstances at the time of the incident and the location point. According to the old Malay story titled mantis Seamount, every warrior should be able to conquer the Malay coastal waves Bono to improve their fighting skills. It can make sense because "driving" Bono point is maintaining the balance of the body, beyond the mystical problem.

Bono is actually found in two locations: in Muara (Kuala) Kampar River and in Muara (Kuala) Rokan River. Bono called the local community in Kuala Kampar as BONO JANTAN for larger, while Bono in Kuala Rokan as BONO FEMALE because it is smaller.

In the past, because there is no mystical properties in that location, then for driving Bono should be the ceremony "semah" conducted the morning or afternoon. The ceremony was led by Bomo or Datuk or village elders with the intention that the rider Bono always gets safety and away from any harm. In addition there are mythical stories (possibly) associated with this Bono wave that is the story of BLOOD ON FLOOD MEMPUSUN or MEMPUSUN covered in blood and the formation of the Kingdom of Pelalawan 1822 AD.

Now, people around Kuala Kampar considers Bono as "friends of nature". Residents who dared to be "riding" Bono with their boats not using a surfboard in general. Driving a boat on the waves Bono becomes an activity agility. But these activities are at high risk because when one driving the boat, then the boat will be slammed by the waves Bono, not infrequently that his boat broke into pieces.

According to the story the old Malay, Bono waves occur because the realization of 7 (seven) ghost who frequently destroy canoe or boat crossing the Kuala Kampar. Great surf is very scary for people so as to pass through a ceremony to be held semah as mentioned above. This wave is very deadly when a boat or ship to confront him. Not infrequently canoe shattered in the waves hit or destroyed due to hit the river bank because it is driven by the waves. There was a little ship turned upside down and drowned as a result.

According to the story, was once the waves numbering seven (7) high waves formed by seven ghosts. When the Dutch colonial period, the ships of the Dutch transport is very difficult to enter the Kuala Kampar result of this wave. One commander of Dutch troops ordered to shoot with a cannon of the big waves. Whether by chance or because of other things, one of the big wave that had been shot cannon Netherlands never appear again until now. So now there are only six (6) large rolls Bono waves.

Seven Waves Seven Ghosts or Ghosts are 7 waves roll Bono formation with one in front and followed by six waves in tow. Because one the biggest waves have destroyed the Dutch so large Bono waves 6 waves left only with the formation of almost parallel entering Kuala Kampar. Regarding the Dutch ship and its people was never found until now. 7 Ghosts waves can occur at a specific location points.

In the study of Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Environmental Fluid Mechanics), Bono called TIDAL BORE or tide-bore / bore / Aegir / eagre / eygre. Tidal Bore actually have occurred in many countries by the size of the waves are different. It also made mention of the Tidal Bore be vary according to the local name. In Riau called Bono, Malaysia call the Mind, in the River Kent England call Arnside Bore and some call Aegir, on the Amazon River called Pororoca, in France called Un-Mascaret or Le-Mascarin,

Bono waves or sometimes also called Wave Bono (Bono Wave) occurs when the seas tide (high tide) where the sea water will enter the Kampar River. Free flow of sea water into the river clash with river water flows towards the sea. The second clash of currents that caused the wave or waves.

Bono will occur only when the tides. And will be even greater if at the time of seawater experienced ups and large (large moon) accompanied by heavy rain in the upper reaches of the Kampar River. The swift currents of the river due to rain will collide with the swift tide coming into Kuala Kampar.

When will the waves Bono begins with the sound of the whistle, followed by the roar of water. Rumble the longer will be the hardest pounding like thunder accompanied with the large waves of Bono. At the present time, the sound waves will be felt when the Bono night. Within 1 day (24 hours), Bono will occur 2 times that when high tides and high tides during the night. Bono is generally greater during the day than at night Bono. However, due to the influence of the place and conditions of environmental sound, then the sound of Bono night will be felt more strongly.

Bono waves wave speed reaches 40 km / h and enters upstream many kilometers away is usually reached within 60 km away upstream and ending in the Tanjung Pungai. Bono waves is not 1 (one) in number, but many, and hand in hand and sometimes lined. Some on the left and right edge or river bank, sometimes fused in the middle of the river. Wave that occurs will usually follow the white and brown color Kampar River water.

The large size of the waves Bono vary greatly depending on location, time of occurrence, the speed of the stream. River flow velocity is affected by the rainy season in both the upstream and downstream and along the Kampar River basin.

Bono usually happens in every 10-20 months in the year Malay Arabic commonly called residents as "Moon" or the "New Moon". Normally wave or waves Bono Bono that occur in 13-16 months the Arab Melayu year. In addition, Bono also occurs in every "month of death" that is the end of the month and the beginning of the month (26th / d 1st of next month).

For years 2013-2104-2015, Bono is expected to happen on schedule slightly its estimate below:
This schedule was made by Attayaya by the movement of the moon.
5 to 7 September 2013 (M)
19 to 21 September 2013 (P)
4 to 6 October 2013 (M)
18 to 20 October 2013 (P) (B)
3 to 5 November 2013 (M) (B)
17 to 19 November 2013 (P) (B)
2 to 4 December 2013 (M) (B)
17 to 19 December 2013 (P) (B)

1 to 3 January 2014 (M) (B) - Coinciding with the New Year 2014
16 to 18 January 2014 (P) (B)
1 to 2 February 2014 (M)
13 to 15 February 2014 (P)
1 to 3 March 2014 (M)
13 to 15 March 2014 (P)
30 March to 1 April 2014 (M)
13 to 15 April 2014 (P)

22-24 October 2014 (M) (B)
04-07 November 2014 (P) (B)
22-24 November 2014 (M) (B)
5 to 7 December 2014 (P) (B)
21 to 23 December 2014 (M) (B)

2 to 5 January 2015 (P) (B) Not to coincide with the New Year 2015

Description Estimate:
Schedule 2012 Kampar Bono occurrence is calculated by Attayaya Zam based calendar Month / Year Malay or Hijri Calendar 1433-1434 H.
(P) = New Moon / Malay middle of the month
(M) = Month Off / early Malay
(B) = Ombak Bono Kampar River sized ranges between 4-6 meters. Also usually of medium size with a height of 3 meters.

Bono waves occur at Kuala Sungai Kampar. The village closest to that location and has a lodging facility is the village of Teluk Meranti, Kampar Peninsula. While surfing locations are around the village of Pulau Muda. From Teluk Meranti village to the village of Pulau Muda provided transport speed-boat to take about 30-45 minutes.

For the location of the waves Bono is generally done from Pekanbaru to Pangkalan Kerinci (capital Pelalawan) and then to the village of Teluk Meranti. The trip is done by using ground transportation (car, bus, motorcycle). Long journey takes between 5 s / d 6 hours depending on road conditions and traffic density.

Travel between Pekanbaru to Pangkalan Kerinci is through Jalan Lintas Sumatera East about 1-2 hours. Of Pangkalan Kerinci towards Simpang Bunut about 30 minutes and will be entering Jalan Lintas Bono towards Teluk Meranti village which takes about 3-4 hours.

Through water transport can be passed through the Port of Pangkalan Kerinci under bridge Pangkalan Kerinci. From the port, can continue the trip with a speedboat ride to the village of Teluk Meranti and takes about 4-5 hours and costs Rp.125.000 / person. If you want to drive your own vehicle, it is better because it can set the timetable itself without depending on public transport drivers or waiting for other passengers.

The route we took to get to the location of the waves Bono is using the land route transportation services as follows:
Pekanbaru - Pangkalan Kerinci (25.000 / person).
Pangkalan Kerinci - Teluk Meranti village (Rp.55.000 / person)

Lodging is usually still in the community house (homestay) at a cost of around 50,000 - 100,000 per room to be filled 2. Because the waves are not so visible Bono nice and not too large in Teluk Meranti village, then to see Bono great waves should rent a speed boat to Kuala Kampar in the area around the village of Pulau Muda. The rental fee depends on the distance desired locations ranging from Rp 300,000 - Rp. 600,000 per speed-boat. Speed ​​Boats can be hired to follow the motion of the waves, the speed boat will be in front of a wave with a safe distance. Locals can show the location of Bono's best waves, the largest and longest. ENJOY HAPPY TOUR and surf WAVE BONO RIVER KAMPAR
Raja Ampat Islands in Papua Featured Attractions

Raja Ampat Papua | On this occasion Twisata will review about the beauty of a tourist destination islands of Raja Ampat in Papua, which is the best tourist destinations in the province of West Papua, ok we just review the keunaikan in Raja Ampat Papua.

Raja Ampat Islands is a tourist destination located in Papua region. This tour was well known throughout the world for its natural beauty is stunning. One form of popularity attractions Raja Ampat is with the documentary made by Avant Premiere entitled "Edis Paradise 3", in which the film tells the beauty of the underwater world of Raja Ampat in the area of ​​Papua, which this tour is also dubbed as a World Oceans Amazon region. The nickname was given because of the location of these sites is in the center of world coral triangle. Tourism Raja Ampat Islands are territorial region of West Papua, which is a group of islands that spread is from about 610 islands, but only 35 islands are inhabited by a population.

Raja Ampat area is the island group, with one - the only means of transport that can be used by the Community about is the sea freight transportation. This transport is used both to reach the capital of the district (Waisai) or vice versa. With four main islands that are unique in this area make for you who travel to tourist destinations Raja Ampat. four islands dimaksutkan is Batanta, Misool, Salawati and Waigeo. The title or name of Raja Ampat is taken from the myths surrounding population which, if interpreted into Indonesian has meaning Four Kings.

The tourists who come from around the world had come here to enjoy the unique beauty of the island and underwater travel, as well as exploring the wall - a wall dive underwater manner. Here tourists can navigate the large and small islands, mountains, tropical forests, coral strand sea, white sand beaches as well as the diversity of animal life in the tourist area of ​​Raja Ampat. It may be said that natural resources like this very rarely, so grateful if Indonesia has a grace that is difficult to describe with words - words.

History or Legend of Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat Tourism is arguably very unique, because it has a value of its own history or legend. Legend of Raja Ampat sediri emerged from the local community and have several versions of the story that is passed from generation to generation (down - generation) of the story the legend - real name Raja Ampat own. As one version of the legend of Raja Ampat circulating in the lives of indigenous people around are as follows.

Era there used to be a married couple lived a simple life in the Gulf Wawiyai Kabui village, the couple had a job such as forest encroachers, whose daily activities - day went to look for food. They stand shoulder to shoulder through the forest in order to quickly get what they expect. Later in their journey to

 on the banks of the River Waikeo, and the rest unwind. As long as they rested they saw five eggs is located not far from their rest. After that they approached and found the egg - the egg was an egg from a dragon. Because merasah find eggs - eggs that strange, they wrapped in a camshaft (nokeng = bag) and under went home. After arriving home eggs - eggs that they found was kept in the room.
Start time changed and malampun started coming, eggs - eggs that had been issued in the room they hold the voice whisper, they are curious and trying to peek out from behind the bedroom door. Once they saw it happen, how shocked both spouses had been, seeing the five eggs hatched and intangible saved four sons - male and one female. The fifth child was wearing fine clothing indicating that they are descendants of a king.

Until now, anyone who counts the name of the child - a child born from a dragon's egg is not clear, but the surrounding communities know each - each child was named as follows:

Legend King's name Raja Ampat

1. Betani who later became king of Salawati.

2. Dohar be King Lilinta (Misool).

3. Mohamad became King Waigama (Batanta).

4. War Becoming King in Waigeo.

5. Pintolee girls born from a dragon egg above.

After growing up, all four boys - men became king and ruled righteously. Meanwhile, the girls (Pintolee) a day was found pregnant and issued two eggs. Once known by the brother - sister Pintolee, one egg which she bore placed inside the shell, with large size (Skin Bia) and then floated up stranded in an island named numfor. and the other, did not hatch and turn into stone which later was named Kapatnai. Stone was treated like a king by people around, and were given a room to bersemanyam and also placed two stones as a sign of the safeguarding of the funeral. Until now, people still respect the existence of the funeral about it and become the object of veneration.

Airport Travel or Transportation To Raja Ampat

In general, the route taken by visitors or tourists to reach the location of Raja Ampat travel is by air travel, and headed to the city of Sorong - West Papua (Domine Edward Osok). At the airport

there is no international flight paths that can go directly to Domine Edward Osok. So, if you are coming from abroad, you have to transit in Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar or Makasar. And if you want to take the shortest path, you can transit in Ujung Pandang and takes about 5 hours and 15 minutes to reach the town of Sorong.

Then from the town of Sorong, proceed with using vehicles taxi heading to Palabuhan people to go to the capital of Raja Ampat (Waisai). After that, your trip will be resumed by using the transport Ferry or can rent a speed boat, and was advised on this port you must provide supplies such as mineral water, instant food and so forth. because in Waisai (capital of Raja Ampat), the price of the more expensive supplies purposes. At the port, there are two ferry that serves the path of travel from Sorong to Waisai, and usually departs every 14.00 CET, then the ship will depart only about 1-2 hours later. The trip will take 4-5 hours to reach the port Waisai.

But for those who have the desire rent a speedboat, which is ideal time to get across is before the rising sea water, which is usually in pairs or as a result gelumbang around before 12:00 CET. This is done because of concern things happen - things that are not desirable, because large speedboat is smaller than the ship, so it is easily shaken by the waves. Then that becomes the record for you is obedient to the instructions of the ship's captain when instructed to postpone the trip headed for the port Waisai due to bad weather, tides or other problems. It is rather complicated route to Raja Ampat. However, the future of local government will develop the airports in Waisai (airport Marinda), which in turn could facilitate access to Raja Ampat.

After arriving at the port Waisai, proceed to the city where you can easily search for lodging there. But before having to go to your local ministry office, to pay the costs of conservation are required to be worn for any tourist visiting the area to Raja Ampat. After that, you can find lodging.
Activity Can Do and Places of Interest in Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat islands travel destinations offer many charms of biodiversity, which is arguably quite abundant. Here you can find about 540 species of coral and 1,511 species of fish. 75% of coral species are found all over the world are here, which is around 10 times the number of coral species has ever been found throughout the Caribbean. You'll also find 27 species of fish that exist only steps here. In addition here too there are five species of sea turtles step, 13 species of marine mammals, and 57 species of mantis shrimp. So you can imagine the uniqueness possessed by this tourist destination

Activity Can Do and Places of Interest in Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat islands travel destinations offer many charms of biodiversity, which is arguably quite abundant. Here you can find about 540 species of coral and 1,511 species of fish. 75% of coral species are found all over the world are here, which is around 10 times the number of coral species has ever been found throughout the Caribbean. You'll also find 27 species of fish that exist only steps here. In addition here too there are five species of sea turtles step, 13 species of marine mammals, and 57 species of mantis shrimp. So you can imagine the uniqueness possessed by this tourist destination

The charm of the beautiful view of the sea, which can be viewed both from below and above the ocean will hypnotize you.

 For that you should not miss a precious moment in time to visit there. This condition is supported by the structure of the soil is endemic, as well as the cultural wealth of marine life and the wisdom of the local population. As for activities you can do here is as follows:
1. Exploring the Raja Ampat islands by boat.

2. Game kayak.

3. Diving to see the remnants of wreckage under the sea.

4. Enjoy the beauty of the coral islands (karst) around Wayag.

5. Visiting typical red bird of paradise of West Papua.

6. Fishing has traditionally Papua.

7. Feed the polecat.

8. Exploring the bat caves (not bat varieties Dark Knight).

9. Make a wooden sculpture itself guided by craftsmen Asmat.

10. Snorkeling.

11. Trekking to discover waterfalls.

In addition you can also see "Sea Ghost", which is a natural phenomenon that is unique and interesting, that is located in the eastern part Waigeo, this phenomenon is formed by a light that comes from the sea or the phenomenon of view of the sunset, which can be seen above the boat and rounded surface with a period of 10 -18 minutes. This phenomenon can only be seen by the year end only.

Not only that part Waigeo western and northern region, there is a game show that the traditional bamboo flute called the surrounding community with distilled drums. Usually these traditional performances are held if there is a religious festival or on the occasion of Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia (August 17) as well as in the official welcoming ceremony visit (leader) is important.

Cave Tomolol charm. this region you will be amazed by the sights in Cave Tomolo, painting human hands and animals - animals that have a very large size painted on cave walls. It is said that this painting in the period of the prehistoric era.

Not only is it in north Waigeo, you can also enjoy historical sights are also shaped cave that is a relic of World War II. This cave was the place where Dutch and Japanese troops built bunkers. In addition you can also enjoy the unique culture of the local community who served in a war dance. Here there is also a tourist destination waterfalls, and of course when you get there should not be missed.

The next destination is the island Ayau, Ayau Island is a collection of islands - a small island located in

Coral Islands, with a very large size and the white sandy sea bottom, Ayau Island can connect the island with other islands. Not only that, not far from where you can enjoy the islands - islands with unique sands called "Zandplaat". This place is a unique habitat of local vegetation in Raja Ampat. You can also see the local community kususnya mothers - mothers and children - children catch sea-worms or insonem.
In addition you can also visit South Waigeo, which is a favorite destination for diving enthusiasts. Not far from South Waigo You can also find travel destinations atoll Kabui Bay, Cave skulls and also the historic travel destinations Raja Ampat in Kali Raja. You can also see the Salay dance in Saonek, various types of birds in the village Sawinggrai and Yenwaupnor, as well as tours in Arborek woven handicrafts. Here you can also do snorkeling to watch a group of stingrays swim. Then if you continue kekawasan Sawandarek, you can see the white sand beach with beautiful coral and many also found many sea ducks animals. You also can walk - the road and enjoy a traditional village has a unique atmosphere.

On the West side Waigeo, Konfiau and Batanta you can enjoy diving, in addition to the above tourist destinations attractive tourist destination to visit other is houseboat houseboats and coral islands in the archipelago Wayag.

Culinary and By - By (Souvenir) Typical Raja Ampat

Culinary you can enjoy in Raja Ampat is seafood or seafood. Usually the organizers diving has been prepared. Menu cooking was also mixed - sorts, ranging from traditional to international menu, which must be made directly by the local community. One example of the typical food of Raja Ampat is sub yellow fish. Usually the Raja Ampat many specialties offered at many restaurants Indonesia is located in the city of Waisai.

By - by the best of Raja Ampat are often raised many tourists who visit here is, an experience when visiting Raja Ampat. Obviously with the passing mendokumentasikanya catch photos and videos are great. However, if you want to leave by the - by the family at home in the form of objects. You can buy by the - by the typical Raja Ampat, among others:

traditional fabrics
Woven crafts
Statue Asmat
Traditional musical instruments
Tambour (traditional drum)
Souvenir earlier you can get in the store - there are many souvenir shops in the city Waisai and cities - cities in Papua others. if you buy souvenirs in the city of Papua, it will ease the burden on you to carry your luggage from the Raja Ampat.

Travel Tips Visit To Raja Ampat

Here Twisata will provide tips on visiting the tourist area of ​​Raja Ampat islands of Papua, so that your vacation can enjoy a pleasant holiday atmosphere. As for tips visit the Raja Ampat is as follows.

1. Your Vacation agendakan

Agendakan your holiday to Raja Ampat in October or November, because in the calm sea conditions. And if you want to capture your travel using a camera these conditions will make the camera catches will be masimal.

2. Prepare Equipment Special Cameras

Before there should you prepare a special wrapper camera equipment, in order to capture images underwater, or you can also prepare for underwater cameras. And you should also prepare your photography skills. Due to take pictures under the sea is not that easy to take pictures as usual.

3. Bring Protective Gear Board

Most tourist destinations you will find in Raja Ampat marine travel, so provide personal items such as sunscreen, sunblock, hat and t-shirt that is comfortable to the beach atmosphere.

4. Takes Anti Mosquito

Tourist area of ​​Raja Ampat arguably still natural, so many mosquitoes that would interfere with the comfort of your travel, it is advisable to bring insect repellent and anti-malarial drugs.

That review regarding travel destinations Raja Ampat Papua that could Twisata review in this article, may be useful for you all, thank you for reading this article